Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 10 - Snow Day!

So first off - Life got in the way and I am days behind in updating - not in crafting - just updating.  So I should get two posts up tonight and then get caught up tomorrow.  However, since life seems to be ever so unpredictable right now - not making promises...and back to the business at hand.

Day 10 - Use only water as your medium/inspiration today.

So its official - I am getting my inspiration from the suggestions not actually following them.  It snowed and we had a snow day.  No school and 1 inch of snow.  What more could a girl ask for - except for a few more inches of the pretty white stuff or another day off.  So I wanted to make a snowman.  I love making snowmen but there wasn't quite enough snow for a traditional man.  Instead I collected some snow and made a snowman on the dining room table.  I crocheted his scarf (yarn use done for the week!) and made hat and gloves out of construction paper.  His eyes, nose, mouth and buttons were made of beads.  He was quite dapper...
day 10
And then I invited him to stay the night - it was cold out.  Although he wasn't a very good guest.  He started to fade a little early...
day 10
Then he started just throwing his hat and buttons around without regard for where he left them...
day 10
And he really didn't even attempt to pretend he enjoyed my hospitality...
day 10
And he left without saying goodbye and didn't clean up after himself when he left!

At least the cat can play with his scarf and use it as a toy!

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