Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 2 - What's your Favorite Animal?

Day 2 - What's your favorite animal?  Use it as your inspiration today.

Not sure how one picks a favorite animal -  I seem to love them all.  Except squirrels and other rodents - but especially squirrels - one did crawl up the toilet and get stuck and die there.  It was traumatic.  So my favorite animal is probably Butt - that's a terrible name, I know.
Day 2

I lengthened it to Buttin Face so its not as bad (and no that's not a misspelling it is Butt in Face because that's where he always puts his!)  Butt is about the cutest cat ever - but I am dog sitting.  So Tell is on my mind - and the end of the bed (Down Girl!  She never listens!).  Tell is pretty cute too...
Day 2
So as I am not at home with all my supplies I had to be creative and well - I took a blurry out of focus picture.  But I think its kinda cool - that's what happens when you use the Macro setting for something that doesn't need it.  But the goal of this project is to create and I like what I created so I guess I achieved yesterday's goal with this picture. 

Day 2

Its 11:25 pm and I haven't finished today's craft so I had better get crackin - its been a busy day filled with dog and work and babies and small children and dinner and more dog in between.  I am exhausted - but will prevail! 

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